A convenient way to build a data.frame in legible transposed form. Position of first "|" (or other infix operator) determines number of columns (all other infix operators are aliases for ","). Names are de-referenced.

build_frame(..., cf_eval_environment = parent.frame())



cell names, first infix operator denotes end of header row of column names.


environment to evaluate names in.


character data.frame

See also


tc_name <- "training" x <- build_frame( "measure", tc_name, "validation" | "minus binary cross entropy", 5, -7 | "accuracy", 0.8, 0.6 ) print(x)
#> measure training validation #> 1 minus binary cross entropy 5.0 -7.0 #> 2 accuracy 0.8 0.6
#> 'data.frame': 2 obs. of 3 variables: #> $ measure : chr "minus binary cross entropy" "accuracy" #> $ training : num 5 0.8 #> $ validation: num -7 0.6
#> x <- wrapr::build_frame( #> "measure" , "training", "validation" | #> "minus binary cross entropy", 5 , -7 | #> "accuracy" , 0.8 , 0.6 )
build_frame( "x" | -1 | 2 )
#> x #> 1 -1 #> 2 2