Please see vignette('DependencySorting', package = 'rquery') and vignette('joinController', package= 'rquery') for more details.

  jointype = "LEFT",
  add_ind_cols = FALSE,
  checkColClasses = FALSE



columns to join, from build_join_plan (and likely altered by user). Note: no column names must intersect with names of the form table_CLEANEDTABNAME_present.


force later arguments to bind by name.


character, type of join to perform ("LEFT", "INNER", "RIGHT", ...).


logical, if TRUE add indicators showing which tables supplied rows.


logical if true check for exact class name matches


join optree

See also


if (requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) { my_db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:") # example data DBI::dbWriteTable(my_db, "meas1", data.frame(id= c(1,2), weight= c(200, 120), height= c(60, 14))) DBI::dbWriteTable(my_db, "meas2", data.frame(pid= c(2,3), weight= c(105, 110), width= 1)) # get the initial description of table defs tDesc <- describe_tables(my_db, qc(meas1, meas2)) # declare keys (and give them consitent names) tDesc$keys[[1]] <- list(PatientID= 'id') tDesc$keys[[2]] <- list(PatientID= 'pid') # build the column join plan columnJoinPlan <- build_join_plan(tDesc) # decide we don't want the width column columnJoinPlan$want[columnJoinPlan$resultColumn=='width'] <- FALSE # double check our plan if(!is.null(inspect_join_plan(tDesc, columnJoinPlan, checkColClasses= TRUE))) { stop("bad join plan") } # actualize as left join op_tree optree <- actualize_join_plan(columnJoinPlan, checkColClasses= TRUE) cat(format(optree)) print(execute(my_db, optree)) if(requireNamespace("DiagrammeR", quietly = TRUE)) { DiagrammeR::grViz(op_diagram(optree)) } DBI::dbDisconnect(my_db) }
#> mk_td("meas1", c( #> "id", #> "weight", #> "height")) %.>% #> rename_columns(., #> c('PatientID' = 'id', #> 'meas1_weight' = 'weight')) %.>% #> natural_join(., #> mk_td("meas2", c( #> "pid", #> "weight")) %.>% #> rename_columns(., #> c('PatientID' = 'pid', #> 'meas2_weight' = 'weight')), #> jointype = "LEFT", by = c('PatientID')) #> PatientID meas1_weight height meas2_weight #> 1 1 200 60 NA #> 2 2 120 14 105