Partitions from by values in grouping column, applies a generic transform to each group and then binds the groups back together. Only advised for a moderate number of groups and better if grouping column is an index. This is powerful enough to implement "The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis"

  ocolumn = NULL,
  decreasing = FALSE,
  partitionMethod = "split",
  bindrows = TRUE,
  maxgroups = 100,
  eagerCompute = FALSE,
  restoreGroup = FALSE,
  tempNameGenerator = mk_tmp_name_source("replyr_gapply")



remote dplyr data item


grouping column


transform function or pipeline


force later values to be bound by name


ordering column (optional)


logical, if TRUE sort in decreasing order by ocolumn


method to partition the data, one of 'group_by' (depends on f being dplyr compatible), 'split' (only works over local data frames), or 'extract'


logical, if TRUE bind the rows back into a data item, else return split list


maximum number of groups to work over (intentionally not enforced if partitionMethod=='group_by')


logical, if TRUE call compute on split results


logical, if TRUE restore group column after apply when partitionMethod %in% c('extract', 'split')


temp name generator produced by wrapr::mk_tmp_name_source, used to record dplyr::compute() effects.


transformed frame


Note this is a fairly expensive operator, so it only makes sense to use in situations where f itself is fairly complicated and/or expensive.


d <- data.frame( group = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2), order = c(.1, .2, .3, .4, .5), values = c(10, 20, 2, 4, 8) ) # User supplied window functions. They depend on known column names and # the data back-end matching function names (as cumsum). cumulative_sum <- function(d) { dplyr::mutate(d, cv = cumsum(values)) } rank_in_group <- function(d) { d %.>% dplyr::mutate(., constcol = 1) %.>% dplyr::mutate(., rank = cumsum(constcol)) %.>% dplyr::select(., -constcol) } for (partitionMethod in c('group_by', 'split', 'extract')) { print(partitionMethod) print('cumulative sum example') print( gapply( d, 'group', cumulative_sum, ocolumn = 'order', partitionMethod = partitionMethod ) ) print('ranking example') print( gapply( d, 'group', rank_in_group, ocolumn = 'order', partitionMethod = partitionMethod ) ) print('ranking example (decreasing)') print( gapply( d, 'group', rank_in_group, ocolumn = 'order', decreasing = TRUE, partitionMethod = partitionMethod ) ) }
#> [1] "group_by" #> [1] "cumulative sum example" #> # A tibble: 5 x 4 #> group order values cv #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 1 0.1 10 10 #> 2 1 0.2 20 30 #> 3 2 0.3 2 2 #> 4 2 0.4 4 6 #> 5 2 0.5 8 14 #> [1] "ranking example" #> # A tibble: 5 x 4 #> group order values rank #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 1 0.1 10 1 #> 2 1 0.2 20 2 #> 3 2 0.3 2 1 #> 4 2 0.4 4 2 #> 5 2 0.5 8 3 #> [1] "ranking example (decreasing)" #> # A tibble: 5 x 4 #> group order values rank #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 2 0.5 8 1 #> 2 2 0.4 4 2 #> 3 2 0.3 2 3 #> 4 1 0.2 20 1 #> 5 1 0.1 10 2 #> [1] "split" #> [1] "cumulative sum example" #> group order values cv #> 1 1 0.1 10 10 #> 2 1 0.2 20 30 #> 3 2 0.3 2 2 #> 4 2 0.4 4 6 #> 5 2 0.5 8 14 #> [1] "ranking example" #> group order values rank #> 1 1 0.1 10 1 #> 2 1 0.2 20 2 #> 3 2 0.3 2 1 #> 4 2 0.4 4 2 #> 5 2 0.5 8 3 #> [1] "ranking example (decreasing)" #> group order values rank #> 1 1 0.2 20 1 #> 2 1 0.1 10 2 #> 3 2 0.5 8 1 #> 4 2 0.4 4 2 #> 5 2 0.3 2 3 #> [1] "extract" #> [1] "cumulative sum example"
#> Warning: `as.tbl()` is deprecated as of dplyr 1.0.0. #> Please use `tibble::as_tibble()` instead. #> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours. #> Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
#> group order values cv #> 1 1 0.1 10 10 #> 2 1 0.2 20 30 #> 3 2 0.3 2 2 #> 4 2 0.4 4 6 #> 5 2 0.5 8 14 #> [1] "ranking example" #> group order values rank #> 1 1 0.1 10 1 #> 2 1 0.2 20 2 #> 3 2 0.3 2 1 #> 4 2 0.4 4 2 #> 5 2 0.5 8 3 #> [1] "ranking example (decreasing)" #> group order values rank #> 1 1 0.2 20 1 #> 2 1 0.1 10 2 #> 3 2 0.5 8 1 #> 4 2 0.4 4 2 #> 5 2 0.3 2 3