Partitioning Mutate

John Mount, Win-Vector LLC


When using R to work with a big-data data service such as Apache Spark using sparklyr the following considerations are critical.

The point is: you can’t always expect code that is not adapted to the environment run well.

Let’s set up a working example.4 The source code for this article can be found here.

## Loading required package: wrapr
## [1] '0.5.1'
## [1] '0.7.4'
sc <- 
  sparklyr::spark_connect(version = '2.2.0', 
                          master = "local")
## Warning in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...): R
## expressions in yaml.load will not be auto-evaluated by default in the near
## future

## Warning in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...): R
## expressions in yaml.load will not be auto-evaluated by default in the near
## future

## Warning in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...): R
## expressions in yaml.load will not be auto-evaluated by default in the near
## future
d <- dplyr::starwars %.>% 
  select_se(., qc(name, 
                  height, mass, 
                  birth_year)) %.>% 
  dplyr::copy_to(sc, ., name = 'starwars')

## [1] "tbl_spark" "tbl_sql"   "tbl_lazy"  "tbl"
d %.>% 
  head(.) %.>% 
  dplyr::collect(.) %.>% 
name height mass hair_color eye_color birth_year
Luke Skywalker 172 77 blond blue 19.0
C-3PO 167 75 NA yellow 112.0
R2-D2 96 32 NA red 33.0
Darth Vader 202 136 none yellow 41.9
Leia Organa 150 49 brown brown 19.0
Owen Lars 178 120 brown, grey blue 52.0

The issue is: generalizations of the following pipeline can be very expensive to realize (due to the nesting of queries).

d %.>% 
  dplyr::mutate(., a := 1) %.>% 
  dplyr::mutate(., b := 2) %.>% 
  dplyr::mutate(., c := 3) %.>% 
## <SQL>
## SELECT `name`, `height`, `mass`, `hair_color`, `eye_color`, `birth_year`, `a`, `b`, 3.0 AS `c`
## FROM (SELECT `name`, `height`, `mass`, `hair_color`, `eye_color`, `birth_year`, `a`, 2.0 AS `b`
## FROM (SELECT `name`, `height`, `mass`, `hair_color`, `eye_color`, `birth_year`, 1.0 AS `a`
## FROM `starwars`) `rkpoklxjhy`) `fyodjfhaxz`

The seemingly equivalent pipeline can be much more performant:

d %.>% 
                a := 1, 
                b := 2, 
                c := 3) %.>% 
## <SQL>
## SELECT `name`, `height`, `mass`, `hair_color`, `eye_color`, `birth_year`, 1.0 AS `a`, 2.0 AS `b`, 3.0 AS `c`
## FROM `starwars`

However: it is hard to give the advice “put everything into one mutate” as the exact availability and semantics of derived columns has never really been specified in dplyr5 It is more often a bit if “it works in memory, and it may or may not work against big data sources.” sparklyr issue 1015, dplyr issue 2481, and dplyr issue 3095.

The additional confounding issue is code like the following currently throws:

   a := 1, 
   b := a, 
   c := b)
# Error: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve '`b`'

It appears there is a dplyr fix in the works.6 dplyr commit “Improve subquery splitting in mutate”

If the included descriptive comment:

 # For each expression, check if it uses any newly created variables.
 # If so, nest the mutate()

correctly describes the calculation sequence (possibly nest once per expression), then the mutate would introduce a new stage at each first use of a derived column.

That would mean a sequence such as the following would in fact be broken into a sequence of mutates, with a new mutate introduced at least after each condition.7 This code is simulating a sequence of blocks of conditional column assignments. Such code is quite common in production Spark projects, especially those involving the translation of legacy imperative code such as SAS. The issue is: we don’t have a control structure that chooses which column to assign to, until we introduce seplyr::if_else_device().

That is the following would get translated from this:

d %.>% 
                condition1 := height>=150,
                  mass := ifelse(condition1, 
                                mass + 10,
                  hair_color := ifelse(condition1, 
                condition2 := birth_year<50,
                  eye_color := ifelse(condition2, 
                  name := ifelse(condition2, 

To something like this:

d %.>% 
                condition1 := height>=150)  %.>% 
                   mass := ifelse(condition1, 
                                 mass + 10, 
                   hair_color := ifelse(condition1, 
                condition2 := birth_year<50)  %.>% 
                   eye_color := ifelse(condition2, 
                   name := ifelse(condition2, 

Now it might be the case it takes 3 or more levels of dependence to trigger the issue, but the issue remains:

The mutate gets broken into a number of sub-mutates proportional to the number of derived columns used later, and not proportional to the (usually much smaller) dependency depth of re-uses.

This can be a problem. We have routinely seen blocks where there are 50 or more such variables re-used. This is when the dependence depth is only 2 or 3 (meaning the expressions could be re-ordered efficiently).

The thing we are missing is: all of the condition calculations could be done together in one step (as they do not depend on each other) and then all the statements that depend on their consequences can also be executed in another large step.

seplyr::partition_mutate_qt() supplies exactly the needed partitioning service.8 We could try to re-order the statements by hand- but then we would break up all of the simulated code blocks and produce hard to read and maintain code. It is better to keep the code in a meaningful arrangement and have a procedure to re-optimize the code to minimize nesting.

plan <- partition_mutate_qt(
  condition1 := height>=150,
     mass := ifelse(condition1, 
                 mass + 10, mass),
     hair_color := ifelse(condition1, 
                       'brown', hair_color),
  condition2 := birth_year<50,
     eye_color := ifelse(condition2, 
                      'blue', eye_color),
     name := ifelse(condition2, 
                 tolower(name), name))
## $group00001
##        condition1        condition2 
##   "height >= 150" "birth_year < 50" 
## $group00002
##                                        mass 
##       "ifelse(condition1, mass + 10, mass)" 
##                                  hair_color 
## "ifelse(condition1, \"brown\", hair_color)" 
##                                   eye_color 
##   "ifelse(condition2, \"blue\", eye_color)" 
##                                        name 
##   "ifelse(condition2, tolower(name), name)"
res <- mutate_seb(d, plan)

res  %.>% 
## <SQL>
## SELECT `height`, `birth_year`, `condition1`, `condition2`, CASE WHEN (`condition1`) THEN (`mass` + 10.0) ELSE (`mass`) END AS `mass`, CASE WHEN (`condition1`) THEN ("brown") ELSE (`hair_color`) END AS `hair_color`, CASE WHEN (`condition2`) THEN ("blue") ELSE (`eye_color`) END AS `eye_color`, CASE WHEN (`condition2`) THEN (LOWER(`name`)) ELSE (`name`) END AS `name`
## FROM (SELECT `name`, `height`, `mass`, `hair_color`, `eye_color`, `birth_year`, `height` >= 150.0 AS `condition1`, `birth_year` < 50.0 AS `condition2`
## FROM `starwars`) `kysptrebqs`
res %.>% 
  head(.) %.>% 
  # collect to avoid
  dplyr::collect(.)  %.>% 
height birth_year condition1 condition2 mass hair_color eye_color name
172 19.0 TRUE TRUE 87 brown blue luke skywalker
167 112.0 TRUE FALSE 85 brown yellow C-3PO
96 33.0 FALSE TRUE 32 NA blue r2-d2
202 41.9 TRUE TRUE 146 brown blue darth vader
150 19.0 TRUE TRUE 59 brown blue leia organa
178 52.0 TRUE FALSE 130 brown blue Owen Lars

The idea is: no matter how many statements are present seplyr::partition_mutate_qt() breaks the mutate() statement into a sequence of length proportional only the the value dependency depth (in this case: 2), and not proportional to the number of introduced values (which can be as long as the number of conditions introduced).

The above situation is admittedly ugly, but not something you can wish away if you want to support actual production use-cases.9 And if you want to support porting working code from other systems, meaning a complete re-design is not on the table.

For an example bringing out more of these issues please see here.