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import numpy
import statistics
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import seaborn
import sklearn
import sklearn.metrics
import itertools
import pandas
import math
from data_algebra.cdata import *

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def cross_predict_model(fitter, X: pandas.DataFrame, Y: pandas.Series, plan):
    train a model Y~X using the cross validation plan and return predictions

    :param fitter: sklearn model we can call .fit() on
    :param X: explanatory variables (matrix or data frame)
    :param Y: dependent variable (vector or series)
    :param plan: cross validation plan from mk_cross_plan()
    :return: vector of simulated out of sample predictions

    preds = numpy.NaN * numpy.zeros(X.shape[0])
    for g in range(len(plan)):
        pi = plan[g]
        model = fitter.fit(X.iloc[pi["train"]], Y.iloc[pi["train"]])
        predg = model.predict(X.iloc[pi["test"]])
        preds[pi["test"]] = predg
    return preds

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def cross_predict_model_prob(fitter, X: pandas.DataFrame, Y: pandas.Series, plan):
    train a model Y~X using the cross validation plan and return probability matrix

    :param fitter: sklearn model we can call .fit() on
    :param X: explanatory variables (matrix or data frame)
    :param Y: dependent variable (vector or series)
    :param plan: cross validation plan from mk_cross_plan()
    :return: matrix of simulated out of sample predictions
    # TODO: vectorize and switch to Pandas
    preds = numpy.zeros((X.shape[0], 2))
    for g in range(len(plan)):
        pi = plan[g]
        model = fitter.fit(X.iloc[pi["train"]], Y.iloc[pi["train"]])
        predg = model.predict_proba(X.iloc[pi["test"]])
        for i in range(len(pi["test"])):
            preds[pi["test"][i], 0] = predg[i, 0]
            preds[pi["test"][i], 1] = predg[i, 1]
    return preds

def mean_deviance(predictions, istrue, *, eps=1.0e-6):
    compute per-row deviance of predictions versus istrue

    :param predictions: vector of probability preditions
    :param istrue: vector of True/False outcomes to be predicted
    :param eps: how close to zero or one we clip predictions
    :return: vector of per-row deviances

    predictions = [v for v in predictions]
    predictions = numpy.maximum(predictions, eps)
    predictions = numpy.minimum(predictions, 1 - eps)
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    # TODO: vectorize
    mass_on_correct = [
        predictions[i] if istrue[i] else 1.0 - predictions[i]
        for i in range(len(istrue))
    return -2 * sum(numpy.log(mass_on_correct)) / len(istrue)

def mean_null_deviance(istrue, *, eps=1.0e-6):
    compute per-row nulll deviance of predictions versus istrue

    :param istrue: vector of True/False outcomes to be predicted
    :param eps: how close to zero or one we clip predictions
    :return: mean null deviance of using prevalence as the prediction.

    # TODO: vectorize
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    p = numpy.mean(istrue)
    p = numpy.maximum(p, eps)
    p = numpy.minimum(p, 1 - eps)
    mass_on_correct = [p if istrue[i] else 1 - p for i in range(len(istrue))]
    return -2 * sum(numpy.log(mass_on_correct)) / len(istrue)

def mk_cross_plan(n: int, k: int):
    Randomly split range(n) into k train/test groups such that test groups partition range(n).

    :param n: integer > 1
    :param k: integer > 1
    :return: list of train/test dictionaries


    import wvpy.util

    wvpy.util.mk_cross_plan(10, 3)
    grp = [i % k for i in range(n)]
    plan = [
            "train": [i for i in range(n) if grp[i] != j],
            "test": [i for i in range(n) if grp[i] == j],
        for j in range(k)
    return plan

# https://win-vector.com/2020/09/13/why-working-with-auc-is-more-powerful-than-one-might-think/
def matching_roc_area_curve(auc):
    Find an ROC curve with a given area.

    :param auc: area to match
    :return: tuple of ideal x, y series matching area
    step = 0.01
    eval_pts = numpy.arange(0, 1 + step, step)
    q_eps = 1e-6
    q_low = 0
    q_high = 1
    while q_low + q_eps < q_high:
        q_mid = (q_low + q_high) / 2.0
        q_mid_area = numpy.mean(1 - (1 - (1 - eval_pts) ** q_mid) ** (1 / q_mid))
        if q_mid_area <= auc:
            q_high = q_mid
            q_low = q_mid
    q = (q_low + q_high) / 2.0
    return {
        "auc": auc,
        "q": q,
        "x": 1 - eval_pts,
        "y": 1 - (1 - (1 - eval_pts) ** q) ** (1 / q),

# https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/model_selection/plot_roc.html
def plot_roc(
    title="Receiver operating characteristic plot",
    Plot a ROC curve of numeric prediction against boolean istrue.

    :param prediction: column of numeric predictions
    :param istrue: column of items to predict
    :param title: plot title
    :param truth_target: value to consider target or true.
    :param ideal_line_color: if not None, color of ideal line
    :param extra_points: data frame of additional point to annotate graph, columns fpr, tpr, label
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: calculated area under the curve, plot produced by call.


    import pandas
    import wvpy.util

    d = pandas.DataFrame({
        'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        'y': [False, False, True, True, False]


            'tpr': [0, 1],
            'fpr': [0, 1],
            'label': ['AAA', 'BBB']
    # TODO: vectorize
    prediction = [v for v in prediction]
    istrue = [v == truth_target for v in istrue]
    fpr, tpr, _ = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(istrue, prediction)
    auc = sklearn.metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
    ideal_curve = None
    if ideal_line_color is not None:
        ideal_curve = matching_roc_area_curve(auc)
    lw = 2
    fig1, ax1 = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()
        label="ROC curve (area = {0:0.2f})" "".format(auc),
    matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between(fpr, tpr, color="orange", alpha=0.3)
    matplotlib.pyplot.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color="navy", lw=lw, linestyle="--")
    if extra_points is not None:
        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(extra_points.fpr, extra_points.tpr, "bo", color="red")
        if "label" in extra_points.columns:
            tpr = extra_points.tpr.to_list()
            fpr = extra_points.fpr.to_list()
            label = extra_points.label.to_list()
            for i in range(extra_points.shape[0]):
                txt = label[i]
                if txt is not None:
                    ax1.annotate(txt, (fpr[i], tpr[i]))
    if ideal_curve is not None:
            ideal_curve["x"], ideal_curve["y"], linestyle="--", color=ideal_line_color
    matplotlib.pyplot.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylim([0.0, 1.0])
    matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("False Positive Rate (1-Specificity)")
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("True Positive Rate (Sensitivity)")
    matplotlib.pyplot.legend(loc="lower right")
    if show:
    return auc

def dual_density_plot(
    title="Double density plot",
    positive_label="positive examples",
    negative_label="negative examples",
    ylabel="density of examples",
    xlabel="model score",
    Plot a dual density plot of numeric prediction probs against boolean istrue.

    :param probs: vector of numeric predictions.
    :param istrue: truth vector
    :param title: title of plot
    :param truth_target: value considerd true
    :param positive_label=label for positive class
    :param negative_label=label for negative class
    :param ylabel=y axis label
    :param xlabel=x axis label
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None


    import pandas
    import wvpy.util

    d = pandas.DataFrame({
        'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        'y': [False, False, True, True, False]

    # TODO: vectorize
    probs = [v for v in probs]
    istrue = [v == truth_target for v in istrue]
    preds_on_positive = [
        probs[i] for i in range(len(probs)) if istrue[i] == truth_target
    preds_on_negative = [
        probs[i] for i in range(len(probs)) if not istrue[i] == truth_target
    seaborn.kdeplot(preds_on_positive, label=positive_label, shade=True)
    seaborn.kdeplot(preds_on_negative, label=negative_label, shade=True)
    if show:

def dual_hist_plot(probs, istrue, title="Dual Histogram Plot", *, show=True):
    plot a dual histogram plot of numeric prediction probs against boolean istrue

    :param probs: vector of numeric predictions.
    :param istrue: truth vector
    :param title: title of plot
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None
    # TODO: vectorize
    probs = [v for v in probs]
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    pf = pandas.DataFrame({"prob": probs, "istrue": istrue})
    g = seaborn.FacetGrid(pf, row="istrue", height=4, aspect=3)
    bins = numpy.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)
    g.map(matplotlib.pyplot.hist, "prob", bins=bins)
    if show:

def dual_density_plot_proba1(
    title="Double density plot",
    positive_label="positive examples",
    negative_label="negative examples",
    ylabel="density of examples",
    xlabel="model score",
    Plot a dual density plot of numeric prediction probs[:,1] against boolean istrue.

    :param probs: vector of numeric predictions
    :param istrue: truth target
    :param title: title of plot
    :param truth_target: value considered true
    :param positive_label=label for positive class
    :param negative_label=label for negative class
    :param ylabel=y axis label
    :param xlabel=x axis label
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None
    # TODO: vectorize
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    preds_on_positive = [
        probs[i, 1] for i in range(len(probs)) if istrue[i] == truth_target
    preds_on_negative = [
        probs[i, 1] for i in range(len(probs)) if not istrue[i] == truth_target
    seaborn.kdeplot(preds_on_positive, label=positive_label, shade=True)
    seaborn.kdeplot(preds_on_negative, label=negative_label, shade=True)
    if show:

def dual_hist_plot_proba1(probs, istrue, *, show=True):
    plot a dual histogram plot of numeric prediction probs[:,1] against boolean istrue

    :param probs: vector of probability predictions
    :param istrue: vector of ground truth to condition on
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None
    # TODO: vectorize
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    pf = pandas.DataFrame(
        {"prob": [probs[i, 1] for i in range(probs.shape[0])], "istrue": istrue}
    g = seaborn.FacetGrid(pf, row="istrue", height=4, aspect=3)
    bins = numpy.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)
    g.map(matplotlib.pyplot.hist, "prob", bins=bins)
    if show:

def gain_curve_plot(prediction, outcome, title="Gain curve plot", *, show=True):
    plot cumulative outcome as a function of prediction order (descending)

    :param prediction: vector of numeric predictions
    :param outcome: vector of actual values
    :param title: plot title
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None

    df = pandas.DataFrame(
            "prediction": numpy.array(prediction).copy(),
            "outcome": numpy.array(outcome).copy(),

    # compute the gain curve
    df.sort_values(["prediction"], ascending=[False], inplace=True)
    df["fraction_of_observations_by_prediction"] = (
        numpy.arange(df.shape[0]) + 1.0
    ) / df.shape[0]
    df["cumulative_outcome"] = df["outcome"].cumsum()
    df["cumulative_outcome_fraction"] = df["cumulative_outcome"] / numpy.max(

    # compute the wizard curve
    df.sort_values(["outcome"], ascending=[False], inplace=True)
    df["fraction_of_observations_by_wizard"] = (
        numpy.arange(df.shape[0]) + 1.0
    ) / df.shape[0]

    df["cumulative_outcome_by_wizard"] = df["outcome"].cumsum()
    df["cumulative_outcome_fraction_wizard"] = df[
    ] / numpy.max(df["cumulative_outcome_by_wizard"])



    seaborn.lineplot(x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1], color="red")
    matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("fraction of observations by sort criterion")
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("cumulative outcome fraction")
    if show:

def lift_curve_plot(prediction, outcome, title="Lift curve plot", *, show=True):
    plot lift as a function of prediction order (descending)

    :param prediction: vector of numeric predictions
    :param outcome: vector of actual values
    :param title: plot title
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None

    df = pandas.DataFrame(
            "prediction": numpy.array(prediction).copy(),
            "outcome": numpy.array(outcome).copy(),

    # compute the gain curve
    df.sort_values(["prediction"], ascending=[False], inplace=True)
    df["fraction_of_observations_by_prediction"] = (
        numpy.arange(df.shape[0]) + 1.0
    ) / df.shape[0]
    df["cumulative_outcome"] = df["outcome"].cumsum()
    df["cumulative_outcome_fraction"] = df["cumulative_outcome"] / numpy.max(

    # move to lift
    df["lift"] = (
        df["cumulative_outcome_fraction"] / df["fraction_of_observations_by_prediction"]
    seaborn.lineplot(x="fraction_of_observations_by_prediction", y="lift", data=df)
    matplotlib.pyplot.axhline(y=1, color="red")
    if show:

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5228158/cartesian-product-of-a-dictionary-of-lists
def search_grid(inp):
    build a cross product of all named dictionary entries

    :param inp:

    gen = (dict(zip(inp.keys(), values)) for values in itertools.product(*inp.values()))
    return [ci for ci in gen]

def grid_to_df(grid):
    convert a search_grid list of maps to a pandas data frame

    :param grid:

    n = len(grid)
    keys = [ki for ki in grid[1].keys()]
    return pandas.DataFrame({ki: [grid[i][ki] for i in range(n)] for ki in keys})

def eval_fn_per_row(f, x2, df):
    evaluate f(row-as-map, x2) for rows in df

    :param f:
    :param x2:
    :param df:

    return [f({k: df.loc[i, k] for k in df.columns}, x2) for i in range(df.shape[0])]

def perm_score_vars(d: pandas.DataFrame, istrue, model, modelvars, k=5):
    evaluate model~istrue on d permuting each of the modelvars and return variable importances

    :param d:
    :param istrue:
    :param model:
    :param modelvars:
    :param k:

    d2 = d[modelvars].copy()
    d2.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    preds = model.predict_proba(d2[modelvars])
    basedev = mean_deviance(preds[:, 1], istrue)

    def perm_score_var(victim):
        dorig = numpy.array(d2[victim].copy())
        dnew = numpy.array(d2[victim].copy())

        def perm_score_var_once():
            d2[victim] = dnew
            predsp = model.predict_proba(d2[modelvars])
            permdev = mean_deviance(predsp[:, 1], istrue)
            return permdev

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        devs = [perm_score_var_once() for rep in range(k)]
        d2[victim] = dorig
        return numpy.mean(devs), statistics.stdev(devs)

    stats = [perm_score_var(victim) for victim in modelvars]
    vf = pandas.DataFrame({"var": modelvars})
    vf["importance"] = [di[0] - basedev for di in stats]
    vf["importance_dev"] = [di[1] for di in stats]
    vf.sort_values(by=["importance"], ascending=False, inplace=True)
    return vf

def threshold_statistics(
    d: pandas.DataFrame, model_predictions, yvalues, *, y_target=True
    Compute a number of threshold statistics of how well model predictions match a truth target.

    :param d: pandas.DataFrame to take values from
    :param model_predictions: name of predictions column
    :param yvalues: truth values
    :param y_target: value considered to be true
    :return: summary statistic frame, include before and after pseudo-observations


    import pandas
    import wvpy.util

    d = pandas.DataFrame({
        'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        'y': [False, False, True, True, False]

    # make a thin frame to re-sort for cumulative statistics
    sorted_frame = pandas.DataFrame(
        {"threshold": d[model_predictions].copy(), "truth": d[yvalues] == y_target}
    sorted_frame["orig_index"] = sorted_frame.index + 0
        ["threshold", "orig_index"], ascending=[False, True], inplace=True
    sorted_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    sorted_frame["notY"] = 1 - sorted_frame["truth"]  # falses
    sorted_frame["one"] = 1
    del sorted_frame["orig_index"]

    # pseudo-observation to get end-case (accept nothing case)
    eps = 1.0e-6
    sorted_frame = pandas.concat(
                    "threshold": [sorted_frame["threshold"].max() + eps],
                    "truth": [False],
                    "notY": [0],
                    "one": [0],
                    "threshold": [sorted_frame["threshold"].min() - eps],
                    "truth": [False],
                    "notY": [0],
                    "one": [0],
    sorted_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

    # basic cumulative facts
    sorted_frame["count"] = sorted_frame["one"].cumsum()  # predicted true so far
    sorted_frame["fraction"] = sorted_frame["count"] / max(1, sorted_frame["one"].sum())
    sorted_frame["precision"] = sorted_frame["truth"].cumsum() / sorted_frame[
    sorted_frame["true_positive_rate"] = sorted_frame["truth"].cumsum() / max(
        1, sorted_frame["truth"].sum()
    sorted_frame["false_positive_rate"] = sorted_frame["notY"].cumsum() / max(
        1, sorted_frame["notY"].sum()
    sorted_frame["true_negative_rate"] = (
        sorted_frame["notY"].sum() - sorted_frame["notY"].cumsum()
    ) / max(1, sorted_frame["notY"].sum())
    sorted_frame["false_negative_rate"] = (
        sorted_frame["truth"].sum() - sorted_frame["truth"].cumsum()
    ) / max(1, sorted_frame["truth"].sum())

    # approximate cdf work
    sorted_frame["cdf"] = 1 - sorted_frame["fraction"]

    # derived facts and synonyms
    sorted_frame["recall"] = sorted_frame["true_positive_rate"]
    sorted_frame["sensitivity"] = sorted_frame["recall"]
    sorted_frame["specificity"] = 1 - sorted_frame["false_positive_rate"]

    # re-order for neatness
    sorted_frame["new_index"] = sorted_frame.index.copy()
    sorted_frame.sort_values(["new_index"], ascending=[False], inplace=True)
    sorted_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

    # clean up
    del sorted_frame["notY"]
    del sorted_frame["one"]
    del sorted_frame["new_index"]
    del sorted_frame["truth"]
    return sorted_frame

def threshold_plot(
    d: pandas.DataFrame,
    threshold_range=(-math.inf, math.inf),
    plotvars=("precision", "recall"),
    title="Measures as a function of threshold",
    Produce multiple facet plot relating the performance of using a threshold greater than or equal to
    different values at predicting a truth target.

    :param d: pandas.DataFrame to plot
    :param pred_var: name of column of numeric predictions
    :param truth_var: name of column with reference truth
    :param truth_target: value considered true
    :param threshold_range: x-axis range to plot
    :param plotvars: list of metrics to plot, must come from ['threshold', 'count', 'fraction', 'precision',
        'true_positive_rate', 'false_positive_rate', 'true_negative_rate', 'false_negative_rate',
        'recall', 'sensitivity', 'specificity']
    :param title: title for plot
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None, plot produced as a side effect


    import pandas
    import wvpy.util

    d = pandas.DataFrame({
        'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        'y': [False, False, True, True, False]

        plotvars=("sensitivity", "specificity"),
    frame = d[[pred_var, truth_var]].copy()
    frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    frame["outcol"] = frame[truth_var] == truth_target

    prt_frame = threshold_statistics(frame, pred_var, "outcol")
    bad_plot_vars = set(plotvars) - set(prt_frame.columns)
    if len(bad_plot_vars) > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "allowed plotting variables are: "
            + str(prt_frame.columns)
            + ", "
            + str(bad_plot_vars)
            + " unexpected."

    selector = (threshold_range[0] <= prt_frame.threshold) & (
        prt_frame.threshold <= threshold_range[1]
    to_plot = prt_frame.loc[selector, :]

    reshaper = RecordMap(
            pandas.DataFrame({"measure": plotvars, "value": plotvars}),

    prtlong = reshaper.transform(to_plot)

    grid = seaborn.FacetGrid(
        prtlong, row="measure", row_order=plotvars, aspect=2, sharey=False
    grid = grid.map(matplotlib.pyplot.plot, "threshold", "value")
    if show:
#   def cross_predict_model( fitter, X: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Y: pandas.core.series.Series, plan ):
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def cross_predict_model(fitter, X: pandas.DataFrame, Y: pandas.Series, plan):
    train a model Y~X using the cross validation plan and return predictions

    :param fitter: sklearn model we can call .fit() on
    :param X: explanatory variables (matrix or data frame)
    :param Y: dependent variable (vector or series)
    :param plan: cross validation plan from mk_cross_plan()
    :return: vector of simulated out of sample predictions

    preds = numpy.NaN * numpy.zeros(X.shape[0])
    for g in range(len(plan)):
        pi = plan[g]
        model = fitter.fit(X.iloc[pi["train"]], Y.iloc[pi["train"]])
        predg = model.predict(X.iloc[pi["test"]])
        preds[pi["test"]] = predg
    return preds

train a model Y~X using the cross validation plan and return predictions

:param fitter: sklearn model we can call .fit() on :param X: explanatory variables (matrix or data frame) :param Y: dependent variable (vector or series) :param plan: cross validation plan from mk_cross_plan() :return: vector of simulated out of sample predictions

#   def cross_predict_model_prob( fitter, X: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Y: pandas.core.series.Series, plan ):
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def cross_predict_model_prob(fitter, X: pandas.DataFrame, Y: pandas.Series, plan):
    train a model Y~X using the cross validation plan and return probability matrix

    :param fitter: sklearn model we can call .fit() on
    :param X: explanatory variables (matrix or data frame)
    :param Y: dependent variable (vector or series)
    :param plan: cross validation plan from mk_cross_plan()
    :return: matrix of simulated out of sample predictions
    # TODO: vectorize and switch to Pandas
    preds = numpy.zeros((X.shape[0], 2))
    for g in range(len(plan)):
        pi = plan[g]
        model = fitter.fit(X.iloc[pi["train"]], Y.iloc[pi["train"]])
        predg = model.predict_proba(X.iloc[pi["test"]])
        for i in range(len(pi["test"])):
            preds[pi["test"][i], 0] = predg[i, 0]
            preds[pi["test"][i], 1] = predg[i, 1]
    return preds

train a model Y~X using the cross validation plan and return probability matrix

:param fitter: sklearn model we can call .fit() on :param X: explanatory variables (matrix or data frame) :param Y: dependent variable (vector or series) :param plan: cross validation plan from mk_cross_plan() :return: matrix of simulated out of sample predictions

#   def mean_deviance(predictions, istrue, *, eps=1e-06):
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def mean_deviance(predictions, istrue, *, eps=1.0e-6):
    compute per-row deviance of predictions versus istrue

    :param predictions: vector of probability preditions
    :param istrue: vector of True/False outcomes to be predicted
    :param eps: how close to zero or one we clip predictions
    :return: vector of per-row deviances

    predictions = [v for v in predictions]
    predictions = numpy.maximum(predictions, eps)
    predictions = numpy.minimum(predictions, 1 - eps)
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    # TODO: vectorize
    mass_on_correct = [
        predictions[i] if istrue[i] else 1.0 - predictions[i]
        for i in range(len(istrue))
    return -2 * sum(numpy.log(mass_on_correct)) / len(istrue)

compute per-row deviance of predictions versus istrue

:param predictions: vector of probability preditions :param istrue: vector of True/False outcomes to be predicted :param eps: how close to zero or one we clip predictions :return: vector of per-row deviances

#   def mean_null_deviance(istrue, *, eps=1e-06):
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def mean_null_deviance(istrue, *, eps=1.0e-6):
    compute per-row nulll deviance of predictions versus istrue

    :param istrue: vector of True/False outcomes to be predicted
    :param eps: how close to zero or one we clip predictions
    :return: mean null deviance of using prevalence as the prediction.

    # TODO: vectorize
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    p = numpy.mean(istrue)
    p = numpy.maximum(p, eps)
    p = numpy.minimum(p, 1 - eps)
    mass_on_correct = [p if istrue[i] else 1 - p for i in range(len(istrue))]
    return -2 * sum(numpy.log(mass_on_correct)) / len(istrue)

compute per-row nulll deviance of predictions versus istrue

:param istrue: vector of True/False outcomes to be predicted :param eps: how close to zero or one we clip predictions :return: mean null deviance of using prevalence as the prediction.

#   def mk_cross_plan(n: int, k: int):
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def mk_cross_plan(n: int, k: int):
    Randomly split range(n) into k train/test groups such that test groups partition range(n).

    :param n: integer > 1
    :param k: integer > 1
    :return: list of train/test dictionaries


    import wvpy.util

    wvpy.util.mk_cross_plan(10, 3)
    grp = [i % k for i in range(n)]
    plan = [
            "train": [i for i in range(n) if grp[i] != j],
            "test": [i for i in range(n) if grp[i] == j],
        for j in range(k)
    return plan

Randomly split range(n) into k train/test groups such that test groups partition range(n).

:param n: integer > 1 :param k: integer > 1 :return: list of train/test dictionaries


import wvpy.util

wvpy.util.mk_cross_plan(10, 3)

#   def matching_roc_area_curve(auc):
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def matching_roc_area_curve(auc):
    Find an ROC curve with a given area.

    :param auc: area to match
    :return: tuple of ideal x, y series matching area
    step = 0.01
    eval_pts = numpy.arange(0, 1 + step, step)
    q_eps = 1e-6
    q_low = 0
    q_high = 1
    while q_low + q_eps < q_high:
        q_mid = (q_low + q_high) / 2.0
        q_mid_area = numpy.mean(1 - (1 - (1 - eval_pts) ** q_mid) ** (1 / q_mid))
        if q_mid_area <= auc:
            q_high = q_mid
            q_low = q_mid
    q = (q_low + q_high) / 2.0
    return {
        "auc": auc,
        "q": q,
        "x": 1 - eval_pts,
        "y": 1 - (1 - (1 - eval_pts) ** q) ** (1 / q),

Find an ROC curve with a given area.

:param auc: area to match :return: tuple of ideal x, y series matching area

#   def plot_roc( prediction, istrue, title='Receiver operating characteristic plot', *, truth_target=True, ideal_line_color=None, extra_points=None, show=True ):
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def plot_roc(
    title="Receiver operating characteristic plot",
    Plot a ROC curve of numeric prediction against boolean istrue.

    :param prediction: column of numeric predictions
    :param istrue: column of items to predict
    :param title: plot title
    :param truth_target: value to consider target or true.
    :param ideal_line_color: if not None, color of ideal line
    :param extra_points: data frame of additional point to annotate graph, columns fpr, tpr, label
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: calculated area under the curve, plot produced by call.


    import pandas
    import wvpy.util

    d = pandas.DataFrame({
        'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        'y': [False, False, True, True, False]


            'tpr': [0, 1],
            'fpr': [0, 1],
            'label': ['AAA', 'BBB']
    # TODO: vectorize
    prediction = [v for v in prediction]
    istrue = [v == truth_target for v in istrue]
    fpr, tpr, _ = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(istrue, prediction)
    auc = sklearn.metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
    ideal_curve = None
    if ideal_line_color is not None:
        ideal_curve = matching_roc_area_curve(auc)
    lw = 2
    fig1, ax1 = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()
        label="ROC curve (area = {0:0.2f})" "".format(auc),
    matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between(fpr, tpr, color="orange", alpha=0.3)
    matplotlib.pyplot.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color="navy", lw=lw, linestyle="--")
    if extra_points is not None:
        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(extra_points.fpr, extra_points.tpr, "bo", color="red")
        if "label" in extra_points.columns:
            tpr = extra_points.tpr.to_list()
            fpr = extra_points.fpr.to_list()
            label = extra_points.label.to_list()
            for i in range(extra_points.shape[0]):
                txt = label[i]
                if txt is not None:
                    ax1.annotate(txt, (fpr[i], tpr[i]))
    if ideal_curve is not None:
            ideal_curve["x"], ideal_curve["y"], linestyle="--", color=ideal_line_color
    matplotlib.pyplot.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylim([0.0, 1.0])
    matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("False Positive Rate (1-Specificity)")
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("True Positive Rate (Sensitivity)")
    matplotlib.pyplot.legend(loc="lower right")
    if show:
    return auc

Plot a ROC curve of numeric prediction against boolean istrue.

:param prediction: column of numeric predictions :param istrue: column of items to predict :param title: plot title :param truth_target: value to consider target or true. :param ideal_line_color: if not None, color of ideal line :param extra_points: data frame of additional point to annotate graph, columns fpr, tpr, label :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show() :return: calculated area under the curve, plot produced by call.


import pandas import wvpy.util

d = pandas.DataFrame({ 'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'y': [False, False, True, True, False] })

wvpy.util.plot_roc( prediction=d['x'], istrue=d['y'], ideal_line_color='lightgrey' )

wvpy.util.plot_roc( prediction=d['x'], istrue=d['y'], extra_points=pandas.DataFrame({ 'tpr': [0, 1], 'fpr': [0, 1], 'label': ['AAA', 'BBB'] }) )

#   def dual_density_plot( probs, istrue, title='Double density plot', *, truth_target=True, positive_label='positive examples', negative_label='negative examples', ylabel='density of examples', xlabel='model score', show=True ):
View Source
def dual_density_plot(
    title="Double density plot",
    positive_label="positive examples",
    negative_label="negative examples",
    ylabel="density of examples",
    xlabel="model score",
    Plot a dual density plot of numeric prediction probs against boolean istrue.

    :param probs: vector of numeric predictions.
    :param istrue: truth vector
    :param title: title of plot
    :param truth_target: value considerd true
    :param positive_label=label for positive class
    :param negative_label=label for negative class
    :param ylabel=y axis label
    :param xlabel=x axis label
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None


    import pandas
    import wvpy.util

    d = pandas.DataFrame({
        'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        'y': [False, False, True, True, False]

    # TODO: vectorize
    probs = [v for v in probs]
    istrue = [v == truth_target for v in istrue]
    preds_on_positive = [
        probs[i] for i in range(len(probs)) if istrue[i] == truth_target
    preds_on_negative = [
        probs[i] for i in range(len(probs)) if not istrue[i] == truth_target
    seaborn.kdeplot(preds_on_positive, label=positive_label, shade=True)
    seaborn.kdeplot(preds_on_negative, label=negative_label, shade=True)
    if show:

Plot a dual density plot of numeric prediction probs against boolean istrue.

:param probs: vector of numeric predictions. :param istrue: truth vector :param title: title of plot :param truth_target: value considerd true :param positive_label=label for positive class :param negative_label=label for negative class :param ylabel=y axis label :param xlabel=x axis label :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show() :return: None


import pandas import wvpy.util

d = pandas.DataFrame({ 'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'y': [False, False, True, True, False] })

wvpy.util.dual_density_plot( probs=d['x'], istrue=d['y'], )

#   def dual_hist_plot(probs, istrue, title='Dual Histogram Plot', *, show=True):
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def dual_hist_plot(probs, istrue, title="Dual Histogram Plot", *, show=True):
    plot a dual histogram plot of numeric prediction probs against boolean istrue

    :param probs: vector of numeric predictions.
    :param istrue: truth vector
    :param title: title of plot
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None
    # TODO: vectorize
    probs = [v for v in probs]
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    pf = pandas.DataFrame({"prob": probs, "istrue": istrue})
    g = seaborn.FacetGrid(pf, row="istrue", height=4, aspect=3)
    bins = numpy.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)
    g.map(matplotlib.pyplot.hist, "prob", bins=bins)
    if show:

plot a dual histogram plot of numeric prediction probs against boolean istrue

:param probs: vector of numeric predictions. :param istrue: truth vector :param title: title of plot :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show() :return: None

#   def dual_density_plot_proba1( probs, istrue, title='Double density plot', *, truth_target=True, positive_label='positive examples', negative_label='negative examples', ylabel='density of examples', xlabel='model score', show=True ):
View Source
def dual_density_plot_proba1(
    title="Double density plot",
    positive_label="positive examples",
    negative_label="negative examples",
    ylabel="density of examples",
    xlabel="model score",
    Plot a dual density plot of numeric prediction probs[:,1] against boolean istrue.

    :param probs: vector of numeric predictions
    :param istrue: truth target
    :param title: title of plot
    :param truth_target: value considered true
    :param positive_label=label for positive class
    :param negative_label=label for negative class
    :param ylabel=y axis label
    :param xlabel=x axis label
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None
    # TODO: vectorize
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    preds_on_positive = [
        probs[i, 1] for i in range(len(probs)) if istrue[i] == truth_target
    preds_on_negative = [
        probs[i, 1] for i in range(len(probs)) if not istrue[i] == truth_target
    seaborn.kdeplot(preds_on_positive, label=positive_label, shade=True)
    seaborn.kdeplot(preds_on_negative, label=negative_label, shade=True)
    if show:

Plot a dual density plot of numeric prediction probs[:,1] against boolean istrue.

:param probs: vector of numeric predictions :param istrue: truth target :param title: title of plot :param truth_target: value considered true :param positive_label=label for positive class :param negative_label=label for negative class :param ylabel=y axis label :param xlabel=x axis label :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show() :return: None

#   def dual_hist_plot_proba1(probs, istrue, *, show=True):
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def dual_hist_plot_proba1(probs, istrue, *, show=True):
    plot a dual histogram plot of numeric prediction probs[:,1] against boolean istrue

    :param probs: vector of probability predictions
    :param istrue: vector of ground truth to condition on
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None
    # TODO: vectorize
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    pf = pandas.DataFrame(
        {"prob": [probs[i, 1] for i in range(probs.shape[0])], "istrue": istrue}
    g = seaborn.FacetGrid(pf, row="istrue", height=4, aspect=3)
    bins = numpy.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)
    g.map(matplotlib.pyplot.hist, "prob", bins=bins)
    if show:

plot a dual histogram plot of numeric prediction probs[:,1] against boolean istrue

:param probs: vector of probability predictions :param istrue: vector of ground truth to condition on :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show() :return: None

#   def gain_curve_plot(prediction, outcome, title='Gain curve plot', *, show=True):
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def gain_curve_plot(prediction, outcome, title="Gain curve plot", *, show=True):
    plot cumulative outcome as a function of prediction order (descending)

    :param prediction: vector of numeric predictions
    :param outcome: vector of actual values
    :param title: plot title
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None

    df = pandas.DataFrame(
            "prediction": numpy.array(prediction).copy(),
            "outcome": numpy.array(outcome).copy(),

    # compute the gain curve
    df.sort_values(["prediction"], ascending=[False], inplace=True)
    df["fraction_of_observations_by_prediction"] = (
        numpy.arange(df.shape[0]) + 1.0
    ) / df.shape[0]
    df["cumulative_outcome"] = df["outcome"].cumsum()
    df["cumulative_outcome_fraction"] = df["cumulative_outcome"] / numpy.max(

    # compute the wizard curve
    df.sort_values(["outcome"], ascending=[False], inplace=True)
    df["fraction_of_observations_by_wizard"] = (
        numpy.arange(df.shape[0]) + 1.0
    ) / df.shape[0]

    df["cumulative_outcome_by_wizard"] = df["outcome"].cumsum()
    df["cumulative_outcome_fraction_wizard"] = df[
    ] / numpy.max(df["cumulative_outcome_by_wizard"])



    seaborn.lineplot(x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1], color="red")
    matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("fraction of observations by sort criterion")
    matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("cumulative outcome fraction")
    if show:

plot cumulative outcome as a function of prediction order (descending)

:param prediction: vector of numeric predictions :param outcome: vector of actual values :param title: plot title :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show() :return: None

#   def lift_curve_plot(prediction, outcome, title='Lift curve plot', *, show=True):
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def lift_curve_plot(prediction, outcome, title="Lift curve plot", *, show=True):
    plot lift as a function of prediction order (descending)

    :param prediction: vector of numeric predictions
    :param outcome: vector of actual values
    :param title: plot title
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None

    df = pandas.DataFrame(
            "prediction": numpy.array(prediction).copy(),
            "outcome": numpy.array(outcome).copy(),

    # compute the gain curve
    df.sort_values(["prediction"], ascending=[False], inplace=True)
    df["fraction_of_observations_by_prediction"] = (
        numpy.arange(df.shape[0]) + 1.0
    ) / df.shape[0]
    df["cumulative_outcome"] = df["outcome"].cumsum()
    df["cumulative_outcome_fraction"] = df["cumulative_outcome"] / numpy.max(

    # move to lift
    df["lift"] = (
        df["cumulative_outcome_fraction"] / df["fraction_of_observations_by_prediction"]
    seaborn.lineplot(x="fraction_of_observations_by_prediction", y="lift", data=df)
    matplotlib.pyplot.axhline(y=1, color="red")
    if show:

plot lift as a function of prediction order (descending)

:param prediction: vector of numeric predictions :param outcome: vector of actual values :param title: plot title :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show() :return: None

#   def search_grid(inp):
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def search_grid(inp):
    build a cross product of all named dictionary entries

    :param inp:

    gen = (dict(zip(inp.keys(), values)) for values in itertools.product(*inp.values()))
    return [ci for ci in gen]

build a cross product of all named dictionary entries

:param inp: :return:

#   def grid_to_df(grid):
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def grid_to_df(grid):
    convert a search_grid list of maps to a pandas data frame

    :param grid:

    n = len(grid)
    keys = [ki for ki in grid[1].keys()]
    return pandas.DataFrame({ki: [grid[i][ki] for i in range(n)] for ki in keys})

convert a search_grid list of maps to a pandas data frame

:param grid: :return:

#   def eval_fn_per_row(f, x2, df):
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def eval_fn_per_row(f, x2, df):
    evaluate f(row-as-map, x2) for rows in df

    :param f:
    :param x2:
    :param df:

    return [f({k: df.loc[i, k] for k in df.columns}, x2) for i in range(df.shape[0])]

evaluate f(row-as-map, x2) for rows in df

:param f: :param x2: :param df: :return:

#   def perm_score_vars(d: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, istrue, model, modelvars, k=5):
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def perm_score_vars(d: pandas.DataFrame, istrue, model, modelvars, k=5):
    evaluate model~istrue on d permuting each of the modelvars and return variable importances

    :param d:
    :param istrue:
    :param model:
    :param modelvars:
    :param k:

    d2 = d[modelvars].copy()
    d2.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    istrue = [v for v in istrue]
    preds = model.predict_proba(d2[modelvars])
    basedev = mean_deviance(preds[:, 1], istrue)

    def perm_score_var(victim):
        dorig = numpy.array(d2[victim].copy())
        dnew = numpy.array(d2[victim].copy())

        def perm_score_var_once():
            d2[victim] = dnew
            predsp = model.predict_proba(d2[modelvars])
            permdev = mean_deviance(predsp[:, 1], istrue)
            return permdev

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        devs = [perm_score_var_once() for rep in range(k)]
        d2[victim] = dorig
        return numpy.mean(devs), statistics.stdev(devs)

    stats = [perm_score_var(victim) for victim in modelvars]
    vf = pandas.DataFrame({"var": modelvars})
    vf["importance"] = [di[0] - basedev for di in stats]
    vf["importance_dev"] = [di[1] for di in stats]
    vf.sort_values(by=["importance"], ascending=False, inplace=True)
    return vf

evaluate model~istrue on d permuting each of the modelvars and return variable importances

:param d: :param istrue: :param model: :param modelvars: :param k: :return:

#   def threshold_statistics( d: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, model_predictions, yvalues, *, y_target=True ):
View Source
def threshold_statistics(
    d: pandas.DataFrame, model_predictions, yvalues, *, y_target=True
    Compute a number of threshold statistics of how well model predictions match a truth target.

    :param d: pandas.DataFrame to take values from
    :param model_predictions: name of predictions column
    :param yvalues: truth values
    :param y_target: value considered to be true
    :return: summary statistic frame, include before and after pseudo-observations


    import pandas
    import wvpy.util

    d = pandas.DataFrame({
        'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        'y': [False, False, True, True, False]

    # make a thin frame to re-sort for cumulative statistics
    sorted_frame = pandas.DataFrame(
        {"threshold": d[model_predictions].copy(), "truth": d[yvalues] == y_target}
    sorted_frame["orig_index"] = sorted_frame.index + 0
        ["threshold", "orig_index"], ascending=[False, True], inplace=True
    sorted_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    sorted_frame["notY"] = 1 - sorted_frame["truth"]  # falses
    sorted_frame["one"] = 1
    del sorted_frame["orig_index"]

    # pseudo-observation to get end-case (accept nothing case)
    eps = 1.0e-6
    sorted_frame = pandas.concat(
                    "threshold": [sorted_frame["threshold"].max() + eps],
                    "truth": [False],
                    "notY": [0],
                    "one": [0],
                    "threshold": [sorted_frame["threshold"].min() - eps],
                    "truth": [False],
                    "notY": [0],
                    "one": [0],
    sorted_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

    # basic cumulative facts
    sorted_frame["count"] = sorted_frame["one"].cumsum()  # predicted true so far
    sorted_frame["fraction"] = sorted_frame["count"] / max(1, sorted_frame["one"].sum())
    sorted_frame["precision"] = sorted_frame["truth"].cumsum() / sorted_frame[
    sorted_frame["true_positive_rate"] = sorted_frame["truth"].cumsum() / max(
        1, sorted_frame["truth"].sum()
    sorted_frame["false_positive_rate"] = sorted_frame["notY"].cumsum() / max(
        1, sorted_frame["notY"].sum()
    sorted_frame["true_negative_rate"] = (
        sorted_frame["notY"].sum() - sorted_frame["notY"].cumsum()
    ) / max(1, sorted_frame["notY"].sum())
    sorted_frame["false_negative_rate"] = (
        sorted_frame["truth"].sum() - sorted_frame["truth"].cumsum()
    ) / max(1, sorted_frame["truth"].sum())

    # approximate cdf work
    sorted_frame["cdf"] = 1 - sorted_frame["fraction"]

    # derived facts and synonyms
    sorted_frame["recall"] = sorted_frame["true_positive_rate"]
    sorted_frame["sensitivity"] = sorted_frame["recall"]
    sorted_frame["specificity"] = 1 - sorted_frame["false_positive_rate"]

    # re-order for neatness
    sorted_frame["new_index"] = sorted_frame.index.copy()
    sorted_frame.sort_values(["new_index"], ascending=[False], inplace=True)
    sorted_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

    # clean up
    del sorted_frame["notY"]
    del sorted_frame["one"]
    del sorted_frame["new_index"]
    del sorted_frame["truth"]
    return sorted_frame

Compute a number of threshold statistics of how well model predictions match a truth target.

:param d: pandas.DataFrame to take values from :param model_predictions: name of predictions column :param yvalues: truth values :param y_target: value considered to be true :return: summary statistic frame, include before and after pseudo-observations


import pandas import wvpy.util

d = pandas.DataFrame({ 'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'y': [False, False, True, True, False] })

wvpy.util.threshold_statistics( d, model_predictions='x', yvalues='y', )

#   def threshold_plot( d: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pred_var, truth_var, truth_target=True, threshold_range=(-inf, inf), plotvars=('precision', 'recall'), title='Measures as a function of threshold', *, show=True ):
View Source
def threshold_plot(
    d: pandas.DataFrame,
    threshold_range=(-math.inf, math.inf),
    plotvars=("precision", "recall"),
    title="Measures as a function of threshold",
    Produce multiple facet plot relating the performance of using a threshold greater than or equal to
    different values at predicting a truth target.

    :param d: pandas.DataFrame to plot
    :param pred_var: name of column of numeric predictions
    :param truth_var: name of column with reference truth
    :param truth_target: value considered true
    :param threshold_range: x-axis range to plot
    :param plotvars: list of metrics to plot, must come from ['threshold', 'count', 'fraction', 'precision',
        'true_positive_rate', 'false_positive_rate', 'true_negative_rate', 'false_negative_rate',
        'recall', 'sensitivity', 'specificity']
    :param title: title for plot
    :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    :return: None, plot produced as a side effect


    import pandas
    import wvpy.util

    d = pandas.DataFrame({
        'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        'y': [False, False, True, True, False]

        plotvars=("sensitivity", "specificity"),
    frame = d[[pred_var, truth_var]].copy()
    frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    frame["outcol"] = frame[truth_var] == truth_target

    prt_frame = threshold_statistics(frame, pred_var, "outcol")
    bad_plot_vars = set(plotvars) - set(prt_frame.columns)
    if len(bad_plot_vars) > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "allowed plotting variables are: "
            + str(prt_frame.columns)
            + ", "
            + str(bad_plot_vars)
            + " unexpected."

    selector = (threshold_range[0] <= prt_frame.threshold) & (
        prt_frame.threshold <= threshold_range[1]
    to_plot = prt_frame.loc[selector, :]

    reshaper = RecordMap(
            pandas.DataFrame({"measure": plotvars, "value": plotvars}),

    prtlong = reshaper.transform(to_plot)

    grid = seaborn.FacetGrid(
        prtlong, row="measure", row_order=plotvars, aspect=2, sharey=False
    grid = grid.map(matplotlib.pyplot.plot, "threshold", "value")
    if show:

Produce multiple facet plot relating the performance of using a threshold greater than or equal to different values at predicting a truth target.

:param d: pandas.DataFrame to plot :param pred_var: name of column of numeric predictions :param truth_var: name of column with reference truth :param truth_target: value considered true :param threshold_range: x-axis range to plot :param plotvars: list of metrics to plot, must come from ['threshold', 'count', 'fraction', 'precision', 'true_positive_rate', 'false_positive_rate', 'true_negative_rate', 'false_negative_rate', 'recall', 'sensitivity', 'specificity'] :param title: title for plot :param show: logical, if True call matplotlib.pyplot.show() :return: None, plot produced as a side effect


import pandas import wvpy.util

d = pandas.DataFrame({ 'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'y': [False, False, True, True, False] })

wvpy.util.threshold_plot( d, pred_var='x', truth_var='y', plotvars=("sensitivity", "specificity"), )