Format fisher.test (test of categorical independence).
# S3 method for sigr_fishertest render( statistic, ..., format, statDigits = 4, sigDigits = 4, pLargeCutoff = 0.05, pSmallCutoff = 1e-05 )
statistic | wrapped Fisher test |
... | extra arguments (not used) |
format | if set the format to return ("html", "latex", "markdown", "ascii", "docx", ...) |
statDigits | integer number of digits to show in summaries. |
sigDigits | integer number of digits to show in significances. |
pLargeCutoff | value to declare non-significance at or above. |
pSmallCutoff | smallest value to print |
formatted string and fields
d <- data.frame(x=c('b','a','a','a','b','b','b'), y=c('1','1','1','2','2','2','2')) ft <- fisher.test(table(d)) wrapFisherTest(ft)#> [1] "Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data: (odds.ratio=4.45, p=n.s.)."