

# get the theoretical significance glm model (wrt deviance)
get_significance = function(model) {
  delta_deviance = model$null.deviance - model$deviance
  df = model$df.null - model$df.residual
  sig = pchisq(delta_deviance, df, lower.tail=FALSE)

# return a frame of the deviance scores on the permuted data
permutation_test = function(dataf, ycol, nperm) {
  nrows = dim(dataf)[1]
  y = dataf[[ycol]]
  X = dataf[, setdiff(colnames(dataf), ycol), drop=FALSE]
  varnames = colnames(X)
  fmla = paste("y", paste(varnames, collapse=" + "), sep=" ~ ")
  deviances = numeric(nperm)
  for(i in seq_len(nperm)) {
    # random order of rows
    ord =, size=nrows, replace=FALSE)
    model = glm(fmla, data=cbind(y=y[ord], X),
    deviances[[i]] =model$deviance

score_variable = function(dframe, ycol, var, nperm,
                          title='') {
  df=data.frame(y=dframe[[ycol]], x=dframe[[var]])

  mod = glm("y~x", data=df,
  vdev = mod$deviance
  vperm = permutation_test(df, "y", nperm)

  # count how many times vdev >= deviances from perm test
  num = sum(vperm <= vdev)
  vscore = num/nperm
  print(ggplot(data.frame(nullperm=vperm), aes(x=nullperm)) +
    geom_density() + geom_vline(xintercept=vdev, color='red') +
    ggtitle(paste(title, "left tail area ~", vscore)))

  print(paste("Chi-sq estimate:", get_significance(mod)))


# ----
# for making data sets with both noise and weakly correlated variables
# ----
mkCoefs = function(ngood) {
  nGoodN = ceiling(ngood/2)
  nGoodC = ngood-nGoodN
  coefs = list()
  if(nGoodN>0) {
    cN = lapply(seq_len(nGoodN),function(i) {
      v = list()
      v[[paste('gn', i, sep='_')]] = rnorm(1)
    coefs = unlist(cN,recursive=FALSE)
  if(nGoodN>0) {
    cC = lapply(seq_len(nGoodC),function(i) {
      v = list()
      v[[paste('gc', i, sep='_')]] = list('a'=rnorm(1),
    coefs = append(coefs,unlist(cC,recursive=FALSE))

# generate columns
genColumns = function(nrow,prefix,nNum,nCat) {
  cols = list()
  if(nNum>0) {
    numCols = lapply(seq_len(nNum),function(i) rnorm(nrow))
    names(numCols) = paste(prefix,'n_',seq_len(nNum),sep='')
    cols = append(cols,numCols)
  if(nCat>0) {
    cCols = lapply(seq_len(nCat),function(i) {
    names(cCols) = paste(prefix,'c_',seq_len(nCat),sep='')
    cols = append(cols,cCols)

# evaluate coefs on a data frame
applyCoefs = function(coefs,d) {
  v = numeric(nrow(d))
  for(n in names(coefs)) {
    cf = coefs[[n]]
    if(is.list(cf)) {
      # categorical
      v = v + as.numeric(cf[d[,n,drop=TRUE]])
    } else {
      # numeric
      v = v + cf[[1]]*d[,n,drop=TRUE]

# build a data frame with pure noise columns
# and columns weakly correlated with y
mkData = function(nrows, coefs, nnoise) {
  noiseMagnitude = 1
  d = data.frame(y = noiseMagnitude*rnorm(nrows),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ngood = length(coefs)
  if(ngood>0) {
    ngC = sum(vapply(coefs,is.list,numeric(1)))
    ngN = ngood - ngC
    gd = genColumns(nrows,'g',ngN,ngC)
    d = cbind(d,gd)
    d$y = d$y + applyCoefs(coefs,d)
  if(nnoise > 0) {
    nnN = ceiling(nnoise/2)
    nnC = nnoise-nnN
    nd = genColumns(nrows,'n',nnN,nnC)
    d = cbind(d,nd)
  d$y = d$y > 0
# ------

# get the signal scores for the variables
# in a data set
# assume output is a binary variable named y
get_chiscores = function(dframe, varnames) {
  nvar = length(varnames)
  scores = numeric(nvar)
  for(i in seq_len(nvar)) {
    model = glm(paste("y~",varnames[i]), dframe,
    scores[i] = get_significance(model)

  sframe = data.frame(var=varnames,
                      scores=scores, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# Plot the scores of each variable
# frm has columns var and scores
# (output of get_chiscores)
scoreplot = function(frm, threshold, sort=1) {
  n = dim(frm)[1]
  frm$var = reorder(frm$var, frm$scores*sort, FUN=sum)
  frm$goodvar = frm$scores < threshold

  ggplot(frm, aes(x=var, y=scores, ymin=0, ymax=scores, color=goodvar)) +
    geom_pointrange() +
    geom_hline(yintercept=threshold, color="red", linetype=2) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c("TRUE"="darkgreen", "FALSE"="darkgray")) +

Example 1 Small example of evaluating a variable with signal, and without

N = 1000
s1 = rnorm(N)
n1 = rnorm(N)
y = 2*s1 + rnorm(N)
dframe = data.frame(y=y>0, s1=s1, n1=n1)

score_variable(dframe, "y", "s1", nperm,
               title='Signal variable deviance,')
## Call:
## glm(formula = "y~x", family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = df)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
## -2.80896  -0.42049   0.01506   0.45285   2.87230  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -0.02815    0.09930  -0.283    0.777    
## x            3.50570    0.22463  15.606   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 1386.23  on 999  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance:  643.95  on 998  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 647.95
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6

## [1] "Chi-sq estimate: 1.91151650110488e-163"
score_variable(dframe, "y", "n1", nperm,
               title='Noise variable deviance,')
## Call:
## glm(formula = "y~x", family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = df)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
## -1.256  -1.183   1.116   1.170   1.243  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)  0.01460    0.06329   0.231    0.818
## x           -0.05703    0.06575  -0.867    0.386
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 1386.2  on 999  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1385.5  on 998  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1389.5
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3

## [1] "Chi-sq estimate: 0.385532666108562"

Example 2

Small example of using chi-sq significance for variable filtering

ngood = 5; nnoise = 5; N = 1000
coefs = mkCoefs(ngood)
dframe = mkData(N, coefs, nnoise)
##      y                gn_1               gn_2               gn_3          
##  Mode :logical   Min.   :-3.44603   Min.   :-2.85755   Min.   :-3.082419  
##  FALSE:648       1st Qu.:-0.67585   1st Qu.:-0.58603   1st Qu.:-0.662868  
##  TRUE :352       Median : 0.01202   Median : 0.02734   Median : 0.000484  
##  NA's :0         Mean   :-0.01574   Mean   : 0.04027   Mean   :-0.015867  
##                  3rd Qu.: 0.63183   3rd Qu.: 0.74720   3rd Qu.: 0.678202  
##                  Max.   : 3.14300   Max.   : 3.21589   Max.   : 3.461750  
##      gc_1               gc_2                nn_1         
##  Length:1000        Length:1000        Min.   :-3.15092  
##  Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:-0.68175  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median : 0.04855  
##                                        Mean   :-0.03193  
##                                        3rd Qu.: 0.61428  
##                                        Max.   : 3.58665  
##       nn_2               nn_3              nc_1          
##  Min.   :-2.94448   Min.   :-2.87404   Length:1000       
##  1st Qu.:-0.66348   1st Qu.:-0.73475   Class :character  
##  Median :-0.01824   Median :-0.05155   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :-0.01459   Mean   :-0.05146                     
##  3rd Qu.: 0.63712   3rd Qu.: 0.66751                     
##  Max.   : 3.84612   Max.   : 3.26796                     
##      nc_2          
##  Length:1000       
##  Class :character  
##  Mode  :character  
varnames = setdiff(colnames(dframe), "y")

sframe = get_chiscores(dframe, varnames)
threshold = 0.05  # be generous in accepting a variable (1/20 false positive rate)
scoreplot(sframe, threshold)

print("Variables selected:")
## [1] "Variables selected:"
##    var       scores
## 2 gn_2 3.909215e-99
## 3 gn_3 3.561903e-09
## 4 gc_1 3.906063e-06
## 5 gc_2 4.325259e-06
## 8 nn_3 1.459305e-02
print("True coefficients of signal variables")
## [1] "True coefficients of signal variables"
## $gn_1
## [1] 0.03406483
## $gn_2
## [1] -1.457936
## $gn_3
## [1] 0.4138757
## $gc_1
## $gc_1$a
## [1] -0.504306
## $gc_1$b
## [1] -0.2303952
## $gc_1$c
## [1] -1.174718
## $gc_2
## $gc_2$a
## [1] -0.2770224
## $gc_2$b
## [1] -0.1947211
## $gc_2$c
## [1] 0.2442891

Example 3

Larger example; lots of noise

ngood = 5; nnoise = 2000; N = 2500
coefs = mkCoefs(ngood)
dframe = mkData(N, coefs, nnoise)
varnames = setdiff(colnames(dframe), "y")

print("True coefficients of signal variables")
## [1] "True coefficients of signal variables"
## $gn_1
## [1] 0.8907755
## $gn_2
## [1] 0.09630513
## $gn_3
## [1] 1.072262
## $gc_1
## $gc_1$a
## [1] 1.371897
## $gc_1$b
## [1] -0.8606408
## $gc_1$c
## [1] -0.4705882
## $gc_2
## $gc_2$a
## [1] -2.172888
## $gc_2$b
## [1] -0.9766713
## $gc_2$c
## [1] 0.9012387
sframe = get_chiscores(dframe, varnames)

# we should always pick the threshold first, but
# we will use this as an example of what different
# thresholds will do

# 1/100 error rate, 1/40 error rate, 1/20 error rate
thresholds = c(0.01, 0.025, 0.05)
for(threshold in thresholds) {
  n = sum(sframe$scores<threshold)
  print(paste(n, "variables selected, threshold =", threshold))
## [1] "17 variables selected, threshold = 0.01"
##         var        scores
## 1      gn_1  4.744091e-40
## 3      gn_3  4.426174e-72
## 4      gc_1  3.754517e-64
## 5      gc_2 2.838399e-117
## 95    nn_90  7.278843e-03
## 353  nn_348  2.702906e-03
## 470  nn_465  3.625489e-03
## 617  nn_612  8.157911e-03
## 833  nn_828  7.904690e-03
## 1006   nc_1  2.983575e-03
## 1265 nc_260  6.512229e-03
## 1290 nc_285  9.559572e-03
## 1370 nc_365  5.091275e-03
## 1490 nc_485  7.549149e-03
## 1606 nc_601  2.689314e-03
## 1650 nc_645  5.622456e-03
## 1912 nc_907  9.193532e-03
## [1] "46 variables selected, threshold = 0.025"
##         var        scores
## 1      gn_1  4.744091e-40
## 3      gn_3  4.426174e-72
## 4      gc_1  3.754517e-64
## 5      gc_2 2.838399e-117
## 25    nn_20  1.534896e-02
## 50    nn_45  1.054503e-02
## 95    nn_90  7.278843e-03
## 98    nn_93  1.748200e-02
## 153  nn_148  1.463944e-02
## 338  nn_333  1.652431e-02
## 353  nn_348  2.702906e-03
## 386  nn_381  1.125829e-02
## 426  nn_421  1.037611e-02
## 470  nn_465  3.625489e-03
## 478  nn_473  1.465016e-02
## 503  nn_498  1.977930e-02
## 529  nn_524  2.162455e-02
## 563  nn_558  1.895795e-02
## 596  nn_591  1.226371e-02
## 617  nn_612  8.157911e-03
## 631  nn_626  2.439658e-02
## 665  nn_660  1.843377e-02
## 781  nn_776  2.499622e-02
## 833  nn_828  7.904690e-03
## 952  nn_947  2.143719e-02
## 978  nn_973  1.328706e-02
## 1006   nc_1  2.983575e-03
## 1059  nc_54  1.426079e-02
## 1187 nc_182  2.355118e-02
## 1230 nc_225  1.576357e-02
## 1265 nc_260  6.512229e-03
## 1290 nc_285  9.559572e-03
## 1370 nc_365  5.091275e-03
## 1490 nc_485  7.549149e-03
## 1522 nc_517  1.481355e-02
## 1549 nc_544  2.044036e-02
## 1606 nc_601  2.689314e-03
## 1615 nc_610  2.097747e-02
## 1650 nc_645  5.622456e-03
## 1810 nc_805  1.363454e-02
## 1840 nc_835  1.659934e-02
## 1847 nc_842  1.051913e-02
## 1893 nc_888  1.580964e-02
## 1912 nc_907  9.193532e-03
## 1918 nc_913  1.375041e-02
## 1998 nc_993  1.545178e-02
## [1] "103 variables selected, threshold = 0.05"
##         var        scores
## 1      gn_1  4.744091e-40
## 2      gn_2  3.591492e-02
## 3      gn_3  4.426174e-72
## 4      gc_1  3.754517e-64
## 5      gc_2 2.838399e-117
## 21    nn_16  3.219597e-02
## 25    nn_20  1.534896e-02
## 40    nn_35  3.404971e-02
## 42    nn_37  4.844582e-02
## 50    nn_45  1.054503e-02
## 53    nn_48  2.618896e-02
## 93    nn_88  3.240945e-02
## 95    nn_90  7.278843e-03
## 98    nn_93  1.748200e-02
## 144  nn_139  4.228818e-02
## 153  nn_148  1.463944e-02
## 244  nn_239  4.254657e-02
## 249  nn_244  4.379877e-02
## 282  nn_277  3.771266e-02
## 338  nn_333  1.652431e-02
## 353  nn_348  2.702906e-03
## 371  nn_366  4.976024e-02
## 383  nn_378  3.239405e-02
## 386  nn_381  1.125829e-02
## 388  nn_383  2.694754e-02
## 424  nn_419  3.732872e-02
## 426  nn_421  1.037611e-02
## 428  nn_423  2.653770e-02
## 433  nn_428  3.461036e-02
## 445  nn_440  2.518610e-02
## 460  nn_455  3.921065e-02
## 470  nn_465  3.625489e-03
## 478  nn_473  1.465016e-02
## 503  nn_498  1.977930e-02
## 524  nn_519  3.026417e-02
## 529  nn_524  2.162455e-02
## 552  nn_547  2.778526e-02
## 563  nn_558  1.895795e-02
## 565  nn_560  3.183238e-02
## 578  nn_573  4.064631e-02
## 596  nn_591  1.226371e-02
## 617  nn_612  8.157911e-03
## 631  nn_626  2.439658e-02
## 665  nn_660  1.843377e-02
## 697  nn_692  3.818386e-02
## 724  nn_719  3.046587e-02
## 726  nn_721  3.717127e-02
## 781  nn_776  2.499622e-02
## 784  nn_779  4.837252e-02
## 785  nn_780  2.672533e-02
## 832  nn_827  4.028992e-02
## 833  nn_828  7.904690e-03
## 848  nn_843  3.172189e-02
## 851  nn_846  3.228479e-02
## 852  nn_847  3.043253e-02
## 872  nn_867  3.829050e-02
## 885  nn_880  3.935873e-02
## 912  nn_907  2.991736e-02
## 952  nn_947  2.143719e-02
## 970  nn_965  3.839762e-02
## 978  nn_973  1.328706e-02
## 985  nn_980  2.555435e-02
## 1006   nc_1  2.983575e-03
## 1007   nc_2  3.160839e-02
## 1059  nc_54  1.426079e-02
## 1060  nc_55  3.073947e-02
## 1128 nc_123  2.984885e-02
## 1187 nc_182  2.355118e-02
## 1199 nc_194  2.514109e-02
## 1218 nc_213  2.816941e-02
## 1230 nc_225  1.576357e-02
## 1250 nc_245  4.320626e-02
## 1253 nc_248  4.925703e-02
## 1265 nc_260  6.512229e-03
## 1267 nc_262  2.641738e-02
## 1290 nc_285  9.559572e-03
## 1307 nc_302  2.732476e-02
## 1330 nc_325  4.497941e-02
## 1336 nc_331  3.163276e-02
## 1370 nc_365  5.091275e-03
## 1490 nc_485  7.549149e-03
## 1522 nc_517  1.481355e-02
## 1525 nc_520  4.977668e-02
## 1549 nc_544  2.044036e-02
## 1598 nc_593  2.518194e-02
## 1606 nc_601  2.689314e-03
## 1615 nc_610  2.097747e-02
## 1632 nc_627  2.792739e-02
## 1650 nc_645  5.622456e-03
## 1672 nc_667  3.779772e-02
## 1686 nc_681  3.638010e-02
## 1697 nc_692  4.903456e-02
## 1719 nc_714  3.363250e-02
## 1810 nc_805  1.363454e-02
## 1826 nc_821  2.870117e-02
## 1840 nc_835  1.659934e-02
## 1847 nc_842  1.051913e-02
## 1893 nc_888  1.580964e-02
## 1912 nc_907  9.193532e-03
## 1918 nc_913  1.375041e-02
## 1962 nc_957  3.220855e-02
## 1975 nc_970  2.818335e-02
## 1998 nc_993  1.545178e-02
threshold = 0.01
scoreplot(sframe, threshold, sort=-1) + coord_flip()

Not try fitting a random forest on this data.

## randomForest 4.6-10
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
# devtools::install_github("WinVector/WCPlots")
## Loading required package: grid
## Loading required package: gridExtra
## Loading required package: reshape2
## Loading required package: ROCR
## Loading required package: gplots
## Attaching package: 'gplots'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     lowess
## Loading required package: plyr
## Loading required package: stringr
# convert all character vectors to factor for randomForest
dframe =, function(col) {
                                        if(is.character(col)) {as.factor(col)} 
                                        else {col}

allvars = sframe$var
selvars = sframe$var[sframe$scores < 0.01]
predframeTrain = data.frame(y=dframe$y)

# model on all variables
rfmodel_full = randomForest(x=dframe[,allvars], y=as.factor(dframe$y))
predframeTrain$trainfull = predict(rfmodel_full, newdata=dframe[,allvars], type='prob')[,'TRUE']

rfmodel_red = randomForest(dframe[,selvars], as.factor(dframe$y))
predframeTrain$trainred = predict(rfmodel_red, newdata=dframe[,selvars], type='prob')[,'TRUE']

testframe = mkData(N, coefs, nnoise)
testframe =, function(col) {
                                        if(is.character(col)) {as.factor(col)} 
                                        else {col}
predframeTest = data.frame(y=testframe$y)

predframeTest$testfull = predict(rfmodel_full, newdata=testframe[,allvars], type='prob')[,'TRUE']
predframeTest$testred = predict(rfmodel_red, newdata=testframe[,selvars], type='prob')[,'TRUE']

printutil = function(frame, column, yname, title) {
  print(DoubleDensityPlot(frame, column, yname, title=title))
  print(ROCPlot(frame, column, yname, title=title))

print("performance, all variables")
## [1] "performance, all variables"
printutil(predframeTrain, "trainfull", "y", "training performance, all variables")

printutil(predframeTest, "testfull", "y", "test performance, all variables")

print("performance, reduced variables")
## [1] "performance, reduced variables"
printutil(predframeTrain, "trainred", "y", "training performance, reduced variables")

printutil(predframeTest, "testred", "y", "test performance, reduced variables")