knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
library('WVPlots') # see:
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: grid
## Loading required package: gridExtra
## Loading required package: reshape2
## Loading required package: ROCR
## Loading required package: gplots
## Attaching package: 'gplots'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     lowess
## Loading required package: plyr
## Loading required package: stringr
## Loading required package: mgcv
## Loading required package: nlme
## This is mgcv 1.8-12. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
# See installH2O.R for how to install h2o
# From:
# See also:
## Loading required package: statmod
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Your next step is to start H2O:
##     > h2o.init()
## For H2O package documentation, ask for help:
##     > ??h2o
## After starting H2O, you can use the Web UI at http://localhost:54321
## For more information visit
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'h2o'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     cor, sd, var
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     &&, %*%, %in%, ||, apply, as.factor, as.numeric, colnames,
##     colnames<-, ifelse, is.character, is.factor, is.numeric, log,
##     log10, log1p, log2, round, signif, trunc
h2o.init(nthreads=-1, max_mem_size="2G")
## H2O is not running yet, starting it now...
## Note:  In case of errors look at the following log files:
##     /var/folders/7q/h_jp2vj131g5799gfnpzhdp80000gn/T//RtmpBXDypq/h2o_johnmount_started_from_r.out
##     /var/folders/7q/h_jp2vj131g5799gfnpzhdp80000gn/T//RtmpBXDypq/h2o_johnmount_started_from_r.err
## Starting H2O JVM and connecting: .. Connection successful!
## R is connected to the H2O cluster: 
##     H2O cluster uptime:         2 seconds 114 milliseconds 
##     H2O cluster version: 
##     H2O cluster name:           H2O_started_from_R_johnmount_rnv147 
##     H2O cluster total nodes:    1 
##     H2O cluster total memory:   1.78 GB 
##     H2O cluster total cores:    4 
##     H2O cluster allowed cores:  4 
##     H2O cluster healthy:        TRUE 
##     H2O Connection ip:          localhost 
##     H2O Connection port:        54321 
##     H2O Connection proxy:       NA 
##     R Version:                  R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
h2o.removeAll() ## clean slate - just in case the cluster was already running
## [1] 0
ncore <- parallel::detectCores()
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncore)
# see:
d = read.table('',
               strip.white = TRUE,
churn = read.table('orange_small_train_churn.labels.txt',
                   strip.white = TRUE,
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
d$churn = churn$V1
rgroup = runif(dim(d)[[1]])
dTrain = d[rgroup<=0.9,]  # set for building models
dTest = d[rgroup>0.9,] # set for evaluation
outcomes = c('churn','appetency','upselling')
nonvars <- c(outcomes,'rgroup')
vars = setdiff(colnames(dTrain),
yName = 'churn'
yTarget = 1
# build data treatments

# build treatments 
trainPlan = mkCrossFrameCExperiment(dTrain,
## [1] "kwaycrossystratified"
treatmentsC = trainPlan$treatments
treatedTrainM = trainPlan$crossFrame

#kddSig = 1/nrow(treatmentsC$scoreFrame)
selvars <- setdiff(colnames(treatedTrainM),outcomes)
treatedTrainM[[yName]] = treatedTrainM[[yName]]==yTarget

treatedTest = prepare(treatmentsC,
treatedTest[[yName]] = treatedTest[[yName]]==yTarget
# simple default, production model would require hyperparameter search
vrsel <- runif(nrow(treatedTrainM))<=0.1
trainSet <- as.h2o(treatedTrainM[!vrsel,])
  |                                                                 |   0%
  |=================================================================| 100%
valSet <-  as.h2o(treatedTrainM[vrsel,])
  |                                                                 |   0%
  |=================================================================| 100%
goodvars <- treatmentsC$scoreFrame$varName[treatmentsC$scoreFrame$sig<1/nrow(treatmentsC$scoreFrame)]

hyper_params <- list(

## [1] "Mon Jul 18 15:06:17 2016"
g <- h2o.grid(
  stopping_tolerance=1e-2,        ## stop when misclassification does not improve by >=1% for 2 scoring events
  score_validation_samples=10000, ## downsample validation set for faster scoring
  score_duty_cycle=0.025,         ## don't score more than 2.5% of the wall time
  adaptive_rate=F,                ## manually tuned learning rate
  momentum_start=0.5,             ## manually tuned momentum
  max_w2=10,                      ## can help improve stability for Rectifier
  |                                                                 |   0%
  |                                                                 |   1%
  |=                                                                |   1%
  |=                                                                |   2%
  |==                                                               |   2%
  |==                                                               |   3%
  |==                                                               |   4%
  |===                                                              |   4%
  |===                                                              |   5%
  |====                                                             |   5%
  |====                                                             |   6%
  |====                                                             |   7%
  |=====                                                            |   7%
  |=====                                                            |   8%
  |======                                                           |   8%
  |======                                                           |   9%
  |======                                                           |  10%
  |=======                                                          |  10%
  |=======                                                          |  11%
  |========                                                         |  12%
  |========                                                         |  13%
  |=========                                                        |  13%
  |=========                                                        |  14%
  |=========                                                        |  15%
  |==========                                                       |  15%
  |==========                                                       |  16%
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  |=================================================================| 100%
## [1] "Mon Jul 18 15:51:24 2016"
## Hyper-Parameter Search Summary: ordered by increasing logloss
##        hidden input_dropout_ratio rate rate_annealing        model_ids
## 1 [I@321a9955                0.05 0.01         1.0E-6 dl_grid_model_18
##               logloss
## 1 0.25280926530079145
m <- h2o.getModel(g@model_ids[[1]])
## Model Details:
## ==============
## H2OBinomialModel: deeplearning
## Model Key:  dl_grid_model_18 
## Status of Neuron Layers: predicting churn, 2-class classification, bernoulli distribution, CrossEntropy loss, 10,178 weights/biases, 139.0 KB, 4,042,200 training samples, mini-batch size 1
##   layer units      type dropout       l1       l2 mean_rate rate_RMS
## 1     1   249     Input  5.00 %                                     
## 2     2    32 Rectifier  0.00 % 0.000010 0.000010  0.001983 0.000000
## 3     3    32 Rectifier  0.00 % 0.000010 0.000010  0.001983 0.000000
## 4     4    32 Rectifier  0.00 % 0.000010 0.000010  0.001983 0.000000
## 5     5     2   Softmax         0.000010 0.000010  0.001983 0.000000
##   momentum mean_weight weight_RMS mean_bias bias_RMS
## 1                                                   
## 2 0.661688   -0.001950   0.097793  0.398993 0.077247
## 3 0.661688   -0.044393   0.187270  0.918026 0.043695
## 4 0.661688   -0.062796   0.183808  0.884139 0.051241
## 5 0.661688    0.020776   0.329298  0.008407 0.925762
## H2OBinomialMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on training data. **
## Description: Metrics reported on temporary training frame with 10153 samples
## MSE:  0.06425998
## R^2:  0.06529115
## LogLoss:  0.2360321
## Mean Per-Class Error:  0.331089
## AUC:  0.7583378
## Gini:  0.5166755
## Confusion Matrix for F1-optimal threshold:
##        FALSE TRUE    Error         Rate
## FALSE   8124 1275 0.135653   =1275/9399
## TRUE     397  357 0.526525     =397/754
## Totals  8521 1632 0.164680  =1672/10153
## Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
##                         metric threshold    value idx
## 1                       max f1  0.132762 0.299246 129
## 2                       max f2  0.110446 0.410013 170
## 3                 max f0point5  0.175470 0.306220  63
## 4                 max accuracy  0.260613 0.926032   7
## 5                max precision  0.270213 0.666667   5
## 6                   max recall  0.013713 1.000000 378
## 7              max specificity  0.289274 0.999894   0
## 8             max absolute_MCC  0.132762 0.241162 129
## 9   max min_per_class_accuracy  0.089669 0.684350 207
## 10 max mean_per_class_accuracy  0.102372 0.693200 184
## Gains/Lift Table: Extract with `h2o.gainsLift(<model>, <data>)` or `h2o.gainsLift(<model>, valid=<T/F>, xval=<T/F>)`
## H2OBinomialMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on validation data. **
## Description: Metrics reported on full validation frame
## MSE:  0.06810449
## R^2:  0.0425764
## LogLoss:  0.2528093
## Mean Per-Class Error:  0.385003
## AUC:  0.7011861
## Gini:  0.4023723
## Confusion Matrix for F1-optimal threshold:
##        FALSE TRUE    Error       Rate
## FALSE   3672  579 0.136203  =579/4251
## TRUE     225  130 0.633803   =225/355
## Totals  3897  709 0.174555  =804/4606
## Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
##                         metric threshold    value idx
## 1                       max f1  0.132774 0.244361 115
## 2                       max f2  0.065734 0.371461 244
## 3                 max f0point5  0.189017 0.244444  36
## 4                 max accuracy  0.293939 0.923144   0
## 5                max precision  0.293939 1.000000   0
## 6                   max recall  0.010462 1.000000 382
## 7              max specificity  0.293939 1.000000   0
## 8             max absolute_MCC  0.132774 0.169976 115
## 9   max min_per_class_accuracy  0.079685 0.645070 212
## 10 max mean_per_class_accuracy  0.075585 0.652419 221
## Gains/Lift Table: Extract with `h2o.gainsLift(<model>, <data>)` or `h2o.gainsLift(<model>, valid=<T/F>, xval=<T/F>)`
## Scoring History: 
##              timestamp          duration training_speed    epochs
## 1  2016-07-18 15:39:17         0.000 sec                  0.00000
## 2  2016-07-18 15:39:18 33 min  1.091 sec 33882 rows/sec   1.00000
## 3  2016-07-18 15:39:25 33 min  7.785 sec 36566 rows/sec   7.00000
## 4  2016-07-18 15:39:32 33 min 14.431 sec 36899 rows/sec  13.00000
## 5  2016-07-18 15:39:38 33 min 20.716 sec 37677 rows/sec  19.00000
## 6  2016-07-18 15:39:45 33 min 27.325 sec 37621 rows/sec  25.00000
## 7  2016-07-18 15:39:50 33 min 33.042 sec 38628 rows/sec  31.00000
## 8  2016-07-18 15:39:56 33 min 38.794 sec 39298 rows/sec  37.00000
## 9  2016-07-18 15:40:02 33 min 44.310 sec 40021 rows/sec  43.00000
## 10 2016-07-18 15:40:08 33 min 51.110 sec 40357 rows/sec  50.00000
## 11 2016-07-18 15:40:15 33 min 57.342 sec 41011 rows/sec  57.00000
## 12 2016-07-18 15:40:20 34 min  2.719 sec 41457 rows/sec  63.00000
## 13 2016-07-18 15:40:25 34 min  8.092 sec 41836 rows/sec  69.00000
## 14 2016-07-18 15:40:32 34 min 14.279 sec 42245 rows/sec  76.00000
## 15 2016-07-18 15:40:38 34 min 21.038 sec 41798 rows/sec  82.00000
## 16 2016-07-18 15:40:46 34 min 28.786 sec 41856 rows/sec  90.00000
## 17 2016-07-18 15:40:52 34 min 34.624 sec 41902 rows/sec  96.00000
## 18 2016-07-18 15:40:56 34 min 38.299 sec 42040 rows/sec 100.00000
## 19 2016-07-18 15:40:56 34 min 38.444 sec 42039 rows/sec 100.00000
##    iterations        samples training_MSE training_r2 training_logloss
## 1           0       0.000000                                          
## 2           1   40422.000000      0.06569     0.04445          0.24766
## 3           7  282954.000000      0.06426     0.06529          0.23603
## 4          13  525486.000000      0.06278     0.08678          0.22795
## 5          19  768018.000000      0.06093     0.11372          0.21681
## 6          25 1010550.000000      0.06080     0.11562          0.21528
## 7          31 1253082.000000      0.05794     0.15719          0.20214
## 8          37 1495614.000000      0.05576     0.18896          0.19557
## 9          43 1738146.000000      0.05494     0.20085          0.19170
## 10         50 2021100.000000      0.05210     0.24214          0.18246
## 11         57 2304054.000000      0.05126     0.25436          0.17987
## 12         63 2546586.000000      0.05053     0.26498          0.17471
## 13         69 2789118.000000      0.04988     0.27453          0.17072
## 14         76 3072072.000000      0.04858     0.29336          0.16829
## 15         82 3314604.000000      0.04906     0.28638          0.16638
## 16         90 3637980.000000      0.04683     0.31883          0.16086
## 17         96 3880512.000000      0.04612     0.32918          0.15929
## 18        100 4042200.000000      0.04503     0.34498          0.15527
## 19        100 4042200.000000      0.06426     0.06529          0.23603
##    training_AUC training_lift training_classification_error validation_MSE
## 1                                                                         
## 2       0.70834       4.22448                       0.15710        0.06822
## 3       0.75834       5.41261                       0.16468        0.06810
## 4       0.78294       7.26082                       0.11327        0.06860
## 5       0.81457       7.39283                       0.12381        0.06951
## 6       0.82018       7.26082                       0.10273        0.06966
## 7       0.85132       8.84500                       0.09101        0.07011
## 8       0.86176      10.16515                       0.09830        0.07130
## 9       0.87139      10.16515                       0.08677        0.07085
## 10      0.88441      10.16515                       0.07978        0.07260
## 11      0.89192      10.95723                       0.06471        0.07262
## 12      0.89880      11.74932                       0.06796        0.07305
## 13      0.90783      11.74932                       0.06776        0.07490
## 14      0.90636      11.88134                       0.06826        0.07593
## 15      0.91538      11.35328                       0.06786        0.07455
## 16      0.91733      12.27738                       0.06757        0.07611
## 17      0.91944      12.40940                       0.06284        0.07798
## 18      0.92272      12.40940                       0.06215        0.07794
## 19      0.75834       5.41261                       0.16468        0.06810
##    validation_r2 validation_logloss validation_AUC validation_lift
## 1                                                                 
## 2        0.04089            0.25638        0.68741         6.07324
## 3        0.04258            0.25281        0.70119         6.07324
## 4        0.03558            0.25903        0.68377         4.69296
## 5        0.02277            0.27108        0.67638         4.41690
## 6        0.02074            0.27229        0.67084         3.31268
## 7        0.01441            0.29167        0.67970         3.58873
## 8                           0.29029        0.66654         3.03662
## 9        0.00398            0.28776        0.67610         3.31268
## 10                          0.29726        0.67496         3.86479
## 11                          0.29745        0.67289         2.76056
## 12                          0.31515        0.67075         3.31268
## 13                          0.34036        0.65333         3.03662
## 14                          0.33879        0.65439         3.58873
## 15                          0.33393        0.65362         4.14085
## 16                          0.36217        0.65190         3.03662
## 17                          0.35514        0.64155         2.48451
## 18                          0.36718        0.65519         3.03662
## 19       0.04258            0.25281        0.70119         6.07324
##    validation_classification_error
## 1                                 
## 2                          0.18541
## 3                          0.17455
## 4                          0.18498
## 5                          0.17716
## 6                          0.21038
## 7                          0.19062
## 8                          0.22384
## 9                          0.24620
## 10                         0.23990
## 11                         0.23838
## 12                         0.24229
## 13                         0.23860
## 14                         0.21906
## 15                         0.19496
## 16                         0.19019
## 17                         0.24989
## 18                         0.28702
## 19                         0.17455

pTrain <- predict(m,newdata=as.h2o(treatedTrainM))
  |                                                                 |   0%
  |=================================================================| 100%
  |                                                                 |   0%
  |====                                                             |   7%
  |=================================================================| 100%
treatedTrainM$pred <-[,'TRUE'])[[1]]
WVPlots::ROCPlot(treatedTrainM,'pred',yName,'prediction on train')

pTest <- predict(m,newdata=as.h2o(treatedTest))
  |                                                                 |   0%
  |=================================================================| 100%
  |                                                                 |   0%
  |======================                                           |  33%
  |=================================================================| 100%
treatedTest$pred <-[,'TRUE'])[[1]]
WVPlots::ROCPlot(treatedTest,'pred',yName,'prediction on test')

## [1] TRUE
if(!is.null(cl)) {
    cl = NULL