Data from: Source: Marques de Sá, J.P., jpmdesa '@', Biomedical Engineering Institute, Porto, Portugal. Bernardes, J., joaobern '@', Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal. Ayres de Campos, D., sisporto '@', Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal. Data Set Information: 2126 fetal cardiotocograms (CTGs) were automatically processed and the respective diagnostic features measured. The CTGs were also classified by three expert obstetricians and a consensus classification label assigned to each of them. Classification was both with respect to a morphologic pattern (A, B, C. ...) and to a fetal state (N, S, P). Therefore the dataset can be used either for 10-class or 3-class experiments. Relevant Papers: Ayres de Campos et al. (2000) SisPorto 2.0 A Program for Automated Analysis of Cardiotocograms. J Matern Fetal Med 5:311-318